Blake, a courageous and ambitious leader, faces a life-altering decision that sets the course for his future and those loyal to him. After meeting with Captain Anderson and the officers of the Royal George at an inn, Blake gathers them and declares a bold choice: sail with him into the unknown and become outlaws and pirates or depart with his blessing. Determined to chart a new path in a world teetering on change, Blake knows the future belongs to those who embrace it. With unwavering conviction, Blake steps down from the table and heads toward Bransbury Castle.
As he walks, Blake is joined by Alex and twenty-one young men eager to know their fate. Blake gathers them inside the castle and reveals his vision. The world, he explains, is evolving, and so too must they. The Lady Ann and her sister ship, the Lady Sara, will soon eclipse the mighty Lady Mary, becoming twice as large and five times as powerful. Blake’s men will no longer serve the King but will become privateers, Englishmen of their own making, shaping a new destiny.
Blake’s philosophy is simple but profound. He explains to the eager young lads that leadership is not the divine right of kings and queens, but the result of capability and wisdom. Just as a ship’s captain can guide or wreck his vessel, so too can a ruler elevate or devastate a kingdom. Blake believes change is on the horizon, a change that will place power in the hands of those willing to seize it.
Meanwhile, trouble brews in the palace. Admiral Sir Percy Gathering has turned against the King, and the Admiralty is now under the King’s direct control. As turmoil spreads, Blake’s cunning plan to disrupt the King’s authority unfolds. Through a series of clever machinations, Blake orchestrates the arrival of the King’s insufferable Aunt Winifred at the palace, turning the King’s life upside down. Her relentless presence disrupts the palace, and even the King finds himself chastised by the domineering woman.
As the King grapples with the chaos within his court, a sudden shock arrives—news that the Royal George has vanished from the harbor without authorization. Furious, the King demands answers, but none are forthcoming. Blake, it seems, has successfully evaded the King’s control, setting the stage for further conflict and rebellion in his quest for freedom and justice.
The Privateer - Blake
The Privateer - The King
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